An IVF treatment consists of the fertilisation of the woman’s eggs in the laboratory with the sperm of her partner or donor and the subsequent transfer to the uterus of the embryos.

IVF/ICSI treatment is indicated for women who have their fallopian tubes blocked or when they have fertility problems which cannot be solved by artificial insemination.

Before initiating an IVF/ICSI treatment, it is necessary to carry out hormonal analyses which provide information on whether this treatment is the right one for the patient.

To undergo an IVF/ICSI treatment, the patient receives hormonal therapy which maximises her chances of becoming pregnant. This therapy lasts for 10-14 days, starting at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

During the therapy, the patient has to receive a series of ultrasounds to control the growth and number of follicles containing the oocytes. Once the follicles reach the optimal size, the egg retrieval takes place.

The egg retrieval consists of extracting the eggs with an ultrasound-guided needle. The process is painless because it is done under sedation. After the egg extraction, the patient must rest for an hour and then she can go home.

Right after the extraction, the oocytes are fertilised applying in vitro fertilisation or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection technique in the laboratory.

The oocytes are placed into a laboratory dish along with the best spermatozoids selected in the laboratory. Fertilisation happens naturally without external manipulation. This technique may not be suitable for low-quality sperm samples. Our embryologists assess each case to choose the adequate technique.


Fertilisation occurs by introducing a single spermatozoid into the egg cytoplasm. This technique enables obtaining a higher rate of fertilisation with low-quality semen, which would be impossible to achieve through IVF.

The embryos are cultivated in an incubator for 3 to 5 days. If possible, it is better to allow the embryo development for 5-6 days to reach the blastocyst stage. Finally, the best embryos are transferred to the uterus.

The embryo transfer is a simple and painless procedure which takes a few minutes. It is performed with a small catheter introduced to the vagina. No anaesthesia or sedation is needed. As it is regulated by Spanish law, we can transfer a maximum of 3 embryos.

If one or more good-quality embryos remain after the transfer, they must be vitrified for future treatments.



Our IVF/ICSI programme for couples or single women allows us to achieve high success rates. Here, we explain every step of the process, so you have all the information from the beginning. We hope the following details will clarify your questions regarding the IVF/ICSI treatment.

1. Before starting the treatment

We are at your disposal from the moment you contact us, willing to inform and help you with anything you need. We understand that the decision to undergo fertility treatment is difficult and important for you, so we will endeavour to clarify all your questions and we will assess your particular case to be able to advise you on the best possible solution. For this purpose, we will ask you to provide us with your medical history and recent test results that you may have, so that we can carefully review them and offer you the best medical assistance. This information will also help us to expedite your first consultation and hence avoid repeating any test unnecessarily.

2. First online or face-to-face consultation – free and without commitment

To get your first appointment with the doctor, who will follow you during the entire process, you must contact us, and your coordinator will inform you about available dates.

This appointment has two modalities depending on your needs or availability:

  1. First online consultation (Zoom, Skype, and other platforms): suitable for women who count on a gynaecologist in their country of residence who is willing to support them during the treatment and prescribe the required medications.
  2. First face-to-face consultation at our clinic: suitable for patients having difficulties in performing the required tests or who are willing to come to Logroño. Furthermore, once at the clinic, the doctor will be also able to perform the pelvic ultrasound scan and a transfer test.

Moreover, suppose you decide to visit our clinic for the first consultation. In that case, it is a good opportunity to carry out the required tests or to leave a sperm sample, which can be an economical and practical solution to complete your medical records. If you wish, we can provide you with the required prescriptions to get the medications that you can also buy in Spain.

In case you are living abroad, your international coordinator will be present both during online or in-person consultations, and facilitate the dialogue with the doctor, she will inform you about prices and conditions.

If during this first consultation, you agree on setting the dates for the treatment, you will also receive all the required administrative documents and the therapy plan that you must follow to start the treatment.

3. Starting the treatment: ovarian stimulation

Once the dates for the treatment have been set, you will receive a THERAPY PLAN containing every indication you must follow.

The treatment starts while you are in your country of residence by taking a contraceptive pill to control your menstrual cycle.

The ovarian stimulation is induced by administrating subcutaneous injections and is monitored by vaginal ultrasound scans performed by your gynaecologist. Administration of the medicines is simple, and you can inject them yourself or with your partner’s help. The ovarian stimulation therapy lasts for 10-14 days, allows to stimulate the follicular growth and produces more oocytes than during a natural cycle. It also helps to prepare your uterus to receive the embryos.

The ovarian stimulation is monitored by vaginal ultrasound scans that must take place on specific days. We will tell you in advance the dates when you must have these scans, and with each result, we will let you know how to continue the therapy.

By the third scan, the follicles usually have reached the required size, and at this moment, we will inform you about the next steps that will take place in Spain.

4. Oocyte collection, fertilisation, and embryo transfer at Manzanera Fertility Clinic

Your stay in our city will take 7-10 days. You must arrive the day before the oocyte collection or earlier. The embryo transfer will take place 3-5 days after the egg retrieval.

4.1. The follicle or oocyte collection

Based on the results of the last ultrasound scan, we will schedule the exact time for extraction of the follicles. The oocyte collection or harvest is a painless procedure done under sedation or anaesthesia in the surgery room of our clinic.

After the collection, you will rest in a single room for the required time. Afterwards, we will inform you about the collection result.

4.2 Fertilisation

Once the eggs have been retrieved, they will be fertilised in our laboratory through In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or ICSI technique.

The difference between IVF and ICSI consists of how the eggs are fertilised, that is, how the spermatozoid penetrates the egg. Our embryologists will assess every situation to choose the most appropriate technique:

IVF: oocytes and a proper concentration of spermatozoids are set in a laboratory dish. The fertilisation takes place naturally, without external manipulation.

ICSI: fertilisation is achieved by microinjecting a single spermatozoid into the egg. This technique enables us to achieve high fertilisation rates when using low-quality sperm.

The resulting embryos will be kept in an incubator until the transfer. It takes 5-6 days if the embryos must be developed to the blastocyst stage.

4.3 The embryo transfer

After incubation, our embryologists will check the quality of every embryo to select the best ones that will be transferred to the uterus. This thorough selection aims to increase the implantation success chances.

The embryo transfer is a simple and painless procedure, which takes a few minutes. It is performed with a small ultrasound-guided catheter, which is introduced into the vagina, and there is no need for anaesthetic or sedation. We can transfer 3 embryos at most.

After the embryo transfer, you will rest in an individual room at the clinic.

The gynaecologist will inform you about how to continue your therapy. This is the time to clear up any remaining doubts you may have. We advise you to rest for one or two days before travelling back home.

5. Back home: Pregnancy test
Two weeks after the embryo transfer you can carry out the pregnancy test. We look forward to you contacting us and receiving good news. In any case, we would like to share this moment with you. We are at your disposal for anything you need. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
6. After the treatment
The remaining good-quality embryos must be vitrified (frozen), which will make easier a later treatment. If you decide, at any time, to discontinue embryo cryopreservation, you only need to provide the clinic with written confirmation of your intention.
Suitability of the IVF/ICSI treatment
Is IVF/ICSI treatment suitable for me?
IVF/ICSI is the recommended treatment for women who have fertility difficulties such as blocked fallopian tubes or where assisted insemination (such as IUI) has not been successful.

Before starting the IVF/ICSI treatment, you will be required to undergo a hormonal check-up to determine whether this treatment is suitable for you. At Manzanera Fertility Clinic, we assess your case individually to ensure that we offer you the best options.

How does the hormonal treatment work?
The hormonal treatment consists of a series of injections, which you will need to administer yourself or with the help of your partner for approximately 10-14 days. These injections stimulate follicular development and are necessary to produce more oocytes than during a natural cycle, which increases the implantation success chances.
What is the difference between IVF and ICSI? Can I choose the technique I prefer?
The difference between the two techniques relates to how the oocytes are fertilised in the laboratory. During IVF, both eggs and a proper sperm concentration are set in a laboratory dish and the fertilisation then occurs naturally, without external manipulation.
On the other hand, with ICSI, fertilization is achieved by microinjecting a single sperm into the egg. This technique enables us to achieve high fertilisation rates when using low-quality sperm.

The embryologists determine which fertilisation technique is the best for each patient individually.

May we qualify for a “shared maternity”?
Yes, in addition to the different fertility treatment options, we do offer another one when planning your family’s future. If you are married, you and your partner qualify for the “ROPA” treatment, that is “Reception of Oocytes from the Partner”, provided that all medical requirements are met. This treatment consists of fertilizing the eggs of one of the women in the couple with donor sperm and transferring the embryos into the uterus of the other woman.
Are there any risks or side effects with an IVF treatment?
These treatments are very safe, but some risks must be controlled during the process. These are the normal risks associated with sedation or anaesthesia (necessary when performing the egg collection). In addition, there is the risk of a pregnancy with twins and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. However, the treatment is usually painless and non-invasive.
Is there a legal age limit for IVF/ICSI?

There is no legal age limit in Spain when undergoing fertility treatment. However, after 38 years old, the success rates decrease progressively every year.

What is the success rate for IVF/ICSI?
The success rate depends on your age and your and your partner’s fertility factors. We will advise you on your success rate after considering your case. Our first fertility consultation is free of charge. Just contact us, and we will assess your case in detail to be able to achieve the best success rate.
Can I become a mother if I am single?
Yes. Spanish law permits any woman to undergo fertility treatment, regardless of her civil status or sexual orientation. We have a sperm bank with sperm from a wide spectrum of donors (blood groups, phenotypic characteristics), which allows us to select the most compatible donor for you.
Can we have a baby if one of us is HIV positive or has another contagious illness like hepatitis?
Yes. Where the man is the carrier, before commencing treatment, the sperm sample must be washed in the laboratory to separate the virus from the semen sample. If the woman is the carrier of the virus and is under medical control, it will be possible to undergo the treatment.
It will be necessary to have some previous tests, including viral load.
The IVF/ICSI treatment at Manzanera Fertility Clinic
Are there any waiting lists for this treatment?
At Manzanera Fertility Clinic, there are no waiting lists. You can contact us by phone or
e-mail to arrange an appointment with a coordinator on a date that is convenient for you.
What is the first step to begin the treatment?

After the first informative contact with our international personnel, we will help you to organise your first consultation with one of our medical specialists, either for a first online consultation or a face-to-face visit. It is recommended to provide the results of blood tests and fertility study which you already may have for the first visit.

A. First online consultation (Zoom, Skype, and other platforms): it takes 30-60 minutes. If you have an online consultation, you have to travel to Spain only once;

or, as an alternative:

B. First face-to-face consultation at the clinic: the doctor will explain to you in detail how the treatment works and will review your medical history. Besides:
• he will carry out a gynaecological examination and an embryo transfer test;
• the male partner can leave a sperm sample, that will be checked and, if its quality is sufficient, it can be frozen and hence preserved for later egg fertilisation, if necessary;
• at our clinic, you can also have all the required tests and obtain the results shortly;
• if you live abroad, you can also buy all the required medications here, to have everything ready for the time you must start the therapy.

Once the dates for the treatment are set, you can start the therapy, which the doctor has organised specifically for you, and you must follow until the date that the doctor indicates to you.

Why is it recommended to freeze sperm on the first visit to the clinic?
The freezing of a semen sample is optional. However, we recommend it because if the man is unable to provide a semen sample on the day of egg collection due to unforeseen circumstances, we are still able to fertilise the eggs with the previously frozen sperm. The laboratory personnel will assess the suitability of freezing the sperm sample during the first consultation at the clinic.
What tests and analyses are required prior to commencing the treatment? Can I have them done at Manzanera Fertility Clinic? Can I bring them from my home country if I have already had them done?

For the IVF/ICSI treatment:

1º The woman must have a hormonal test and a vaginal ultrasound scan. The man must have a sperm test.

2º Both woman and man must also have the following tests:
Blood group and Rh Factor.
Serology: HBsAg (hepatitis B), HIV, HCV (hepatitis C), and VDRL (syphilis): these results expire after 6 months.
Karyotype (chromosome screening). The doctor will individually assess the need to have this test, as well as any other advisable ones.

3º The woman must have a pre-operatory test: full blood count and coagulation study.
You can either have these tests done at the clinic or in your home country and then provide us with the results.

What are the treatment steps?

The process of our IVF treatment has 3 steps:

1. First appointment (online or face-to-face).

2. Starting the therapy in your country of residence: control of your menstrual cycle and subsequent ovarian stimulation for 10-14 days, monitored by ultrasound scans that will be made by your gynaecologist in your country and according to the scheduled dates in your therapy plan we will provide you with.

3. Stay in Spain for the last stage of the treatment: ultrasound scan control, egg retrieval, fertilisation, and embryo transfer.

How many days do I need to stay in Spain?
When you come for the last stage of the treatment: egg retrieval, fertilisation, and embryo transfer, you must stay here for 7-10 days. If you wish to stay here during the whole process, you can have all your ultrasound scans done at our clinic (required to monitor the follicular development) at no extra cost. Furthermore, after the embryo transfer, we recommend staying here for one or two days to rest.
How many days of sexual abstinence are required before the treatment?
The man should ejaculate 2-3 days before providing his sperm sample. Note: this period of abstinence must also be maintained before your first visit to the clinic should you wish to freeze a semen sample.
Egg collection, fertilisation and embryo transfer
How many eggs are usually collected? How many embryos will I have?
The number of collected oocytes depends on the patient’s response to the hormonal treatment. The final number of embryos depends on several factors, such as the number and quality of retrieved eggs, sperm quality, etc.; if all these conditions are met, the egg fertilisation rate is high, around 70%.
What happens to the remaining embryos?
When good-quality embryos remain after the embryo transfer, they must be vitrified and further preserved at the laboratory at the clinic for future transfers.
How many embryos can be transferred?
For safety reasons and in accordance with Spanish law, we can transfer from 1 to 3 embryos. Before the embryo transfer, our specialists will inform you about the quality of your embryos and the chances of success in your case, and they will advise you on the best number of embryos to be transferred. In any case, the final decision about this number is up to you.
What happens to the vitrified embryos when I decide I do not want them to be transferred in the future?

After a year of preservation in the clinic, if the embryos have not been transferred, these are the possible options for them: a donation to other infertile couples (Embryo adoption programme); keeping them vitrified for future treatments (this incurs an annual maintenance fee) or thawing them with no other purpose.

Legally speaking, the frozen embryos are the couple’s responsibility. One year after the vitrification, if the couple decides to dispense with them, they must provide the clinic with written confirmation to donate or thaw the embryos. We will send you the required document that you both must sign according to the Spanish law on assisted reproduction.

Access to Manzanera Fertility Clinic
How do I get to the clinic?

It is easy to get to the clinic by road, train, or plane. We offer a chauffeur service that can pick you up at any airport in the area: Logroño, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Santander, Pamplona, Vitoria, or Madrid. We can also help you by booking your accommodation in our city. If you need any help or information about means of transport, flight connections, etc., please contact your coordinator by email or phone.