We hear daily about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and its influence on the general quality of life.

From the point of view of eating habits and body weight, it is advisable to maintain weight within the acceptable range. Changes in corporal weight among women by default and being too drastic can bring problems related to fertility and pregnancy.

Nowadays, it is already known that overweight or obese women have a higher probability of miscarriage both in natural pregnancies and via assisted reproduction treatments. Studies found that the implantation window in obese women undergoing artificial endometrial preparation suffers changes as well. Lower embryo implantation rates and higher risk of miscarriage may be related to altered implantation windows which were observed after transfers of fresh and frozen embryos with the patient’s and donor’s oocytes in women with high BMI.

Obesity is more common among women than men and diminishes the rate of spontaneous conception. Apart from the higher rate of miscarriages mentioned earlier, the risks of premature and perinatal birth, stillbirth and risks of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, necessity of c-section and other complications (e.g., wound infection and thromboembolism) are higher. Some possible causes of these risks stem from the obesity-induced oxidative, inflammatory and general endocrine environment.

Taking care of our general health by making our lifestyle healthier we can reap long-term benefits and feel better. From the reproductive point of view, gradual and controlled weight loss before conceiving naturally or undergoing fertility treatment, following a healthy diet and exercising regularly for 3-6 months ahead of becoming pregnant can help achieve better outcomes in case of suffering from overweight or obesity.

Receive more information or clear your doubts in the first consultation with one of our doctors by emailing us at or by filling in the contact form which you can find here:

María Pombar Gómez



