When talking about artificial intelligence (AI) it is impossible to avoid thinking about the dark world of Blade Runner or the future dominated by the machines from Terminator. However, the reality is that AI is a tool which brings breakthroughs and helps us to advance in all spheres of work.
AI enables resolving multiple complex algorithms and reaches conclusions that human intelligence can hardly match.
In the assisted reproduction field, numerous software programs are developed to optimise our work notably thanks to AI. All these programs are created with the help of massive data being sent to Big Data which stores it, and the AI analysing it later. In this way, we use similar programs to select the embryos with a higher probability of pregnancy or chromosomally normal embryos. Using other programs, we can customise the ovarian stimulations based on the previous treatments or select the most suitable egg and sperm donors for every couple.
In short, AI, applied in assisted reproduction, serves to increase the success possibilities of different treatments and optimise the resources to reduce their costs.

Daniel García

Image: Artificial intelligence classifies embryos faster and steadfastly than a specialist – Gaceta Médica (