ENDORET-PRGF | Endogenous Regenerative Technology
The condition of the endometrium is determinant in the assisted reproduction treatments because it must be optimal to favour the implantation.
Research has proven that PRGF infusion can increase the endometrial thickness in patients who have refractory endometrium (not reaching adequate thickness regardless of endometrial preparation with hormones) because the PRGF stimulate the proliferation and secretion of biomolecules essential in improving the endometrial tissue. Besides, this infusion improves the biological environment of a lining making it more receptive to embryo implantation and enhancing its reproductive projection.
Patients who had implantation failures
The use of PRGF for endometrium is an efficient alternative for patients experiencing implantation failures, i.e., women who do not become pregnant after several transfers with good-quality embryos. In such cases, proven and effective therapeutical options are still limited. PRGF acts in these patients by stimulating endometrial cells which begin secreting more progesterone and oestrogen receptors. This provokes the emergence of more cell adhesion molecules for the embryo.
PRGF are retrieved from the patient who will receive the infusion. This allows reducing the risk of adverse effects, incompatibility or allergies.
Obtaining PRGF is a simple process for the woman because only a blood draw is required. For its part, the infusion of PRGF into the uterus is painless and not complicated. The procedure is performed using a thin catheter guided through the cervix making it like the embryo transfer and does not require anaesthesia.
Several doses of PRGF are usually obtained from one blood extraction (for separate infusions) and can be frozen.
PRGF – ENDORET® technique to improve the condition of the endometrium or to work on low ovarian reserve can open new roads to recovering fertility.
Optimal embryo implantation. One step ahead in fertility treatments
Plasma obtained from blood contains an optimal concentration of proteins and growth factors which enhance the regeneration and improve the usual clinical treatment results.
Patients with primary ovarian insufficiency
This technique must be conducted after prior individual assessment (women under 42 and taking into account the AMH level of a patient).
The ovarian rejuvenation technique is not meant to “rejuvenate” the ovaries but to attempt to achieve more oocytes. This is a solution to recuperate the ovarian function by stimulating the follicle development.