Two of the treatments available at Manzanera Fertility Clinic to become pregnant are egg donation (reception of donor eggs) and embryo donation.
Despite the similarity in the names, these are two completely different treatments. We will explain the differences between them.
Egg donation or reception of donor eggs is a treatment in reproduction, which involves a woman of reproductive age who will donate her eggs to another woman who will be a recipient mother, and the developed embryos will be transferred to her uterus. This helps the recipient mother to become pregnant, solving the problems derived from the low-quality eggs, low response to ovarian stimulation, advanced reproductive age, etc., because the feminine gamete – the oocyte – belongs to a young woman.
Concerning the masculine gamete in egg donation treatments, a partner’s sperm is used, unless it is required or preferred to use a donor’s sperm. The involvement of a sperm donor may be necessary when the partner’s sperm quality is too low or when a woman is single.
In case there is a sufficient number of embryos in the treatment, the remaining embryos are cryopreserved to be used in the future.
On the other hand, there is embryo donation. This treatment, as its name suggests, consists of the adoption of the already-developed embryos. This is the main difference between the egg donation and the embryo donation. The transferred embryos in these cases originate from treatments of other couples who decided to donate their non-transferred embryos. The couples generally decide to donate because they already got pregnant.
This formula allows to give way out of the bank for the embryos donated to the clinic. The patient undergoes such treatment at a lower cost compared to a complete treatment. Moreover, in situations where the patients have objection motives due to ethical or religious matters or even economic, we avoid developing de novo embryos and the donated embryos no longer require cryopreservation.
If you would like to solve your doubts or receive information about a specific treatment you can contact us by email at or by filling in a contact form on our website:

María Pombar Gómez
