The Anti-Müllerian hormone is produced by the ovarian follicles and it helps to assess the woman’s “ovarian reserve”. With this information, we will be able to advise on the most accurate treatment for every patient, either artificial insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or egg donation.
A low level of this hormone indicates that the ovaries are not working properly, that is, that they are not producing many eggs and that their quality might also be degraded.
AMH level rises from the woman’s birth until the puberty, and then starts decreasing with age. From 40 years of age on, it decreases significantly. However, every woman is different and this decreasing happens in a different way in every one.
Some woman’s hormones must be tested during a specific phase of the menstrual cycle. But the AMH level can be tested at any moment of the woman’s, which makes it easier to assess every individual treatment.
Although every laboratory has its own measurement criteria (units), there are some standard values. A good ovarian reserve provides values over 1 ng/ml or 7,14 pmol/ml.
In order to avoid mistakes, the equivalence between these units is 1 ng/ml = 7,14 pmol/ml
Furthermore, it is important to test the AMH value after any ovarian surgery, just to check if the reproductive capability has been affected and to monitor certain ovarian tumours.
Talking about reproduction, the AMH level provides information about the ovarian function, as well as about which medications and dosage are more appropriate in every single case. It is important to know that very high values could induce an exaggerated ovarian response and therefore a hyperstimulation risk, and too low values may indicate a low oocyte number. Knowing this, we can understood how important this hormone is when undergoing either an IVF or an Egg Donation treatment.
AMH testing is the most important analytical determination in order to forecast the ovarian response. Along with the evaluation of the ovarian follicles (by ultrasound scan), we will be able to foresee the success chances of an assisted reproduction treatment.
Very high values of this hormone can make us aware of an exaggerated ovarian response o hyperstimulation, and on the other hand, very low values indicate lower success chances.
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Gregorio Manzanera

IMAGE: Taken from