In order to define obesity, we refer to the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the weight in kilos by the square of the height in meters:

BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height2 (m)
The obtained data by using this formula lead to a globally accepted classification for obesity:
* Overweight: BMI> 25 Kg / m2
* Moderate obesity: BMI> 30 Kg / m2
* Severe obesity: BMI> 35 Kg. / m2
* Morbid obesity: BMI> 40 Kg. / m2
Both obesity and overweight have a negative effect on general health (diabetes and hypertension), and specially on the reproductive capacity
When having obesity, there is hormonal imbalance regarding insulin and androgens, which adversely affect ovulation and the uterus lining. This negative effect increases even more when having polycystic ovaries.
Overweight and obesity have a negative effect on assisted reproduction techniques such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF / ICSI), increasing the miscarriage rate and therefore decreasing the rate of live births. On the other hand, higher doses of gonadotropins will be required within ovarian stimulation in any reproductive technique.
In any case, nowadays, the exact mechanisms and the negative influence of obesity are not exactly known both within IVF and in any other reproductive aspects.
Regarding male obesity, although its effect has been less studied, it could lead to lower levels of testosterone, higher scrotal temperature and they suffer more frequently from erectile dysfunction.
Overweight in women affects not only their health, with increased diabetes and hypertension, but it also interfere with a proper ovarian function, and therefore hinder reproductive techniques, both in vitro fertilization (IVF / ICSI) or artificial inseminations.
This problem is also important within men, because, in addition to have also health problems, they may have difficulties within both erection and sperm production.
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Gregorio Manzanera

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