When a couple made up of two women considers starting fertility treatment to become mothers, there are several options: Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization with donor sperm. However, there is a lesser-known variation of conventional In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the ROPA Method (reception of eggs from the couple), which allows sharing of motherhood from the start of treatment.

The ROPA method consists of performing ovarian stimulation in one of the women to obtain the eggs. Once fertilized in the laboratory and the embryos generated, they will be transferred to the partner (recipient woman).

The ROPA method is an alternative that allows both women to participate actively in treatment and in motherhood. One through the contribution of the oocytes and the recipient woman of the embryos carrying the pregnancy to term.

As is the case before performing the rest of the assisted reproduction treatments, it is necessary to undergo a complete fertility study to be able to assess which of the two women is the most suitable to stimulate their ovaries (depending on age, hormonal values …) Or to receive the embryos (normal uterus, without pathologies).

The ROPA method is indicated for those couples who are married and who wish to participate together in the reproductive process.

If you have any questions or want to start a treatment with us, you can contact us by sending an email to or through the contact forms on our website:

Maria Pombar Gomez
