One of the possible causes of male infertility is sperm DNA fragmentation. It is a problem that can make it difficult to achieve a pregnancy or that can negatively affect the results of assisted reproduction treatments (IVF/ICSI) (lower fertilization rates, low embryo quality, lower implantation rate …).
Although it is possible that the rest of seminal parameters evaluated at first are normal, it is possible that the genetic material of the sperm is broken. The analysis of sperm fragmentation is, therefore, an advanced test that is carried out to complement the study of the male and allows to determine the state of integrity of the sperm DNA.
DNA is made up of two strands that make up a spiral. DNA breaks can exclusively affect one of the two strands (single-stranded fragmentation) or both (double-stranded fragmentation).
For those cases in which we find high sperm fragmentation, especially those with double-stranded fragmentation, we can use Fertile Chip/ZyMot for sperm selection. These chips have microfluidic channels that allow the selection of sperm with better motility and less DNA fragmentation, compared to the usual training techniques.
If you have any questions or want to start a treatment with us, you can contact us by sending an email to or through the contact forms on our website: Our team of professionals will advise you on which technique is most appropriate in your case.

María Pombar Gómez

