by editormanzanera | Oct 14, 2020 | News
Unlike men who produce sperm throughout their lives, the woman is born with a certain number of follicles (small cystic formations where the oocyte is) estimated at one million at birth, to then go down to 300,000 follicles at puberty, but of these only 300 will...
by editormanzanera | Jul 29, 2020 | News
The embryo recipients of assisted reproduction treatments such as egg donation, embryo adoption, ROPA and reception of vitrified embryos, must undergo endometrial preparation prior to embryo transfer. The preparation consists of a hormonal treatment that is divided...
by editormanzanera | Jul 22, 2020 | News
In assisted reproduction treatments such as egg donation, embryo adoption, ROPA and reception of vitrified embryos, prior to the transfer of the obtained embryos, the recipients must undergo an endometrial preparation. This is a necessary hormonal therapy in order to...
by editormanzanera | Jul 15, 2020 | News
Before collecting the sample, tests will be carried out to rule out not having infectious diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, and to ensure that its storage is safe, avoiding cross-contamination. The main motivation for preserving fertility in women is due to the...
by editormanzanera | Jul 8, 2020 | News
Our main mission is to attend and support patients throughout all stages of their treatment, which usually takes long time. Once the doctor has advised the patient on the most appropriate treatment, we nurses or health technicians report on the different stages and...
by editormanzanera | Jul 1, 2020 | News
What is time-lapse? The time-lapse is a succession of photographs that are taken from time to time to end up forming a real-time video of how the photographed object changes. In assisted reproduction treatments, what we photograph are the embryos generated with the In...