Sometimes, it is necessary to extract the sperm directly from the testicles: testicular biopsy. This procedure is performed when the patient cannot ejaculate normally or, even if he does, no sperm can be found in the sample (patients with azoospermia). Testicular biopsy is also the advised procedure when the man has already undergone a vasectomy.
Testicular biopsy is an invasive but painless procedure performed by an urologist, under anesthesia. He performs a biopsy of the seminiferous tubules in the testicles. The obtained sample is checked in the laboratory, trying to find sperm and is then frozen for use in the assisted reproductive treatment (IVF / ICSI).
As detailed in previous chapters, the frozen sample will be thawed to be used once the woman has completed her own therapy (ovarian stimulation and follicular puncture) has been completed.
Then, the fertilization will take place: we already have both eggs (retrieved from the woman by the follicular puncture), and sperm (retrieved from the testicular biopsy). In this case, ICSI is the procedure to be followed, in order to achieve the fertilization.
Every specific treatment must be assessed individually and in a personalized way, and for this reason we encourage you to go to a first free visit where you can discuss your case with the doctor.
Request your appointment at or fill out the following form and we will contact you.
Have a nice day!
María Pombar Gómez
IMAGE: Alex Martin