What is time-lapse?
The time-lapse is a succession of photographs that are taken from time to time to end up forming a real-time video of how the photographed object changes.
In assisted reproduction treatments, what we photograph are the embryos generated with the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF / ICSI) technique.
How is time-lapse used in assisted reproduction treatments?
We use special incubators that have a built-in camera that allows you to take pictures of the embryos that are in culture every 3 minutes. In this way, we can see how the embryo evolves from within the incubator.
What benefits does time-lapse bring in an assisted reproduction treatment?
First, it allows us to track the embryo in real time without having to remove it from the incubator to look at it under a microscope. This allows us to obtain better quality embryos by not suffering variations in their culture conditions.
Secondly, by having a video of the entire development of the embryos, embryologists have at our disposal a series of selection tools that allow us to choose the best embryos to transfer. This is very important, especially in egg donation treatments where the number of embryos obtained in each treatment is generally high.
In short, this technique increases the success rate in assisted reproduction treatments, being the greatest benefit in egg donation treatments.
What is the cost of using this technique in my treatment?
Many centers apply an inexpensive supplement when using time-lapse incubators for treatment.
At the Manzanera Gynecological Center, this technique is completely free and is performed 100% of In Vitro Fertilization treatments, including egg donation.
In this way, the Manzanera Gynecological Center becomes one of the few Centers in Spain that uses time-lapse in all its treatments and at no additional cost to patients.
We hope that this information is interesting to you, if you have any questions or want to start a treatment with us, you can contact us by sending an email to info@centromedicomanzanera.com or using the contact forms on our website: https://centromedicomanzanera.com/en/formulario_en/
Daniel García
Image: Property of Centro Médico Manzanera