Coffee, by definition, is the most taken beverage in the world and possesses stimulating effects due to the 12% of caffeine it contains. Its pleasant taste intensifies by adding sugar and other additives, which give it a unique characteristic.
The quantity of caffeine in a cup of coffee ranges between 80 and 100 mg. It is estimated that adult women consume 1-2 cups of coffee per day, so scientists always try to discover its influence on reproduction.
On the other hand, there is evidence that caffeine affects the central nervous system, veins and arteries. Caffeine can pass through the placenta and may appear in the amniotic liquid and foetal blood.
Scientists and doctors always speak about the negative effect of caffeine on health, but from a more practical point of view, a moderate consumption in healthy persons – 300 mg of caffeine equivalent to 3 cups of coffee – does not have any adverse effect on health.
Various studies examine the effect of caffeine on fertility because caffeine may augment oestrogen production and reduce its metabolism. Although the results are non-conclusive, we can assure that the consumption lower than 100 mg of caffeine (one cup) does not affect fertility. On the other hand, it seems that the consumption higher than 400 mg may affect the natural conception and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. Anyway, these findings are not conclusive, because coffee drinkers often consume alcohol and tobacco too, which in turn contain hazardous substances and can influence the ovary function and reproductive potential.
Coffee consumption may also influence the efficiency of IVF treatments. Various studies revealed that its influence is unclear, although in rare cases the number of oocytes and embryos may be lower, and the gestation rates do not decrease substantially. Anyway, it is advised not to exceed two coffee cups per day.
The data is also conflicting in terms of the coffee effect on the increase in the abortion rate. One study performed years ago found an increase in this rate when the consumption exceeded 5 cups of coffee, giving as a motive the vascular constriction of uterine arteries, which support the blood flow to the uterus. Nevertheless, the more recent studies do not corroborate those findings. In many ways, the scientific societies conclude that a moderate coffee consumption – lower than 200 mg per day – does not cause the abortion risk.
During pregnancy, coffee may cause arrhythmia and slow down the growth of the foetus due to suggested vascular constriction of uterine arteries. Most studies show contradicting results; therefore, more extensive works are necessary to give clear conclusions. Anyhow, the possibility of hypothetic influence would be excessive consumption of more than 8 cups of coffee per day.
Many studies were carried out regarding the influence of coffee consumption on masculine fertility, and it was proved that, regardless of consumption, no changes were found neither in the number nor in the mobility of spermatozoids.
In conclusion, we say that moderate consumption of coffee – 2 cups daily equivalent to 200 mg of caffeine – does not affect natural reproduction, assisted reproduction, numbers of abortions and foetal growth during pregnancy.