In 2001, Steven Spielberg produced a film through which the term “artificial intelligence” was introduced. This film told us about the distant future where robots controlled by artificial intelligence eased life for humans.
This future is now, and AI is developing in every area of our society.
Assisted reproduction is in constant technological development and takes advantage of AI to improve its results.
The use of Time Lapse in embryo culture allows us to obtain constant imaging of embryo development, which lets us analyse how each embryo is changing throughout the time in the incubator. Clinics around the world are sending these images since a few years ago to an immense database (Big Data) where they are analysed.
So, global Big Data is created to sort the embryo’s possibilities of resulting in pregnancy by studying the changes it went through while it was in culture.
Once this database is created – it is still growing daily – the AI technology permits the analysis of embryos which we have in culture. A thing that would not be humanly possible to carry out without the multiple algorithms and filters which AI has.
We, the embryologists, send the images of embryos to this AI software, which is capable of telling us which embryo has more possibilities to give pregnancy.
This is just the beginning of a thrilling collaboration between AI and assisted reproduction which will definitely give us more happy moments in the future.
“The sole limitation to Artificial Intelligence is the human imagination”.

Daniel García

