von editormanzanera | Sep. 7, 2022 | Nachrichten
The team of nurses has a fundamental role in assisted reproduction treatments. They are in constant contact with the patients and are in charge of a communication bridge between the patient and the rest of the multidisciplinary team. Patients tend to have many...
von editormanzanera | Juli 27, 2022 | Nachrichten
Artificial insemination (AI) AI is the simplest treatment in the field of assisted reproduction. We can distinguish between insemination with a partner’s sperm or with a donor’s sperm. In this technique, the sperm is prepared in the laboratory and inserted directly...
von editormanzanera | Juli 13, 2022 | Nachrichten
Cannabis is a substance extracted from the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa o Cannabis Indica), which affects the central neural system. From the chemical point of view, the active ingredient is 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It appears in three forms for consumption: •...
von editormanzanera | Juni 22, 2022 | Nachrichten
Assisted reproduction is a rapidly advancing science in the past years and has a promising future in hand. All the changes are evolving towards a higher pregnancy rate by transferring just one embryo to diminish multiple pregnancy risks. Different investigation lines...
von editormanzanera | Juni 1, 2022 | Nachrichten
We, the coordinators from the International Department of the Manzanera Fertility Clinic, who maintain continuous contact with our foreign patients and, at the same time, with the doctors and nurses of the clinic, want to provide you with a practical guide. The basis...
von editormanzanera | Mai 11, 2022 | Nachrichten
Nowadays, approximately 15% of the population suffers from some kind of infertility o reproductive difficulty. The surrounding environment and our daily habits may adversely influence our general health and, therefore, can affect our reproductive capacity. We must...